nov 15 recycle, circular economy, water

Learn about the latest Circular Economy/Recycling Strategies for All Waste Streams, Zero Waste-to-Landfill Best Practices, plus Government Financial Incentives. You will receive 1 CPE credit hour.

Please use your Angelbeat account - created on the secure Memberspace platform, at no charge - to register to attend this webinar (hosted on Zoom), which also lets you download slides, watch on-demand videos, plus signup for future programs with one-click. If you already have an account, you will be asked to confirm your registration. Otherwise you are prompted to fill out a simple contact form.

If you have any questions email and we will get back to you right away.

Speakers, Topics, Agenda

1:00 pm ET, 10:00 am PT Ron Gerber, CEO Angelbeat

Gerber discusses Circular Economy/Recycling Strategies for All Waste Streams - Plastic, Food/Organic, Medical, Electronic - Zero Waste-to-Landfill Best Practices, plus Government Financial Incentives.

Gerber has helped design and implement sustainability strategies for many private and public sector organizations.