july 27 EPA Keynote, Georgia Focus
This program is designed for Georgia-based organizations, who want to learn about Grants, Rebates and Regional Financial Incentives offered by Government Agencies and Utilities, for sustainability initiatives around EV Charging, Clean/Solar/Renewal Energy, Recycling, Net Zero and more. Two (2) CPE credit hours are provided. There are expert speakers from Cobb County, State of Georgia, Anthesis and the EPA, whose keynote presentation on Federal initiatives will be of value to organizations not just in Georgia but throughout the U.S.
Please use your Angelbeat account - created on the secure Memberspace platform, at no charge - to register to attend this webinar (hosted on Zoom), which also lets you download slides, watch on-demand videos, plus signup for future programs with one-click. If you already have an account, you will be asked to confirm your registration. Otherwise you are prompted to fill out a simple contact form.
If you have any sign-up questions email rgerber@angelbeat.com and we will get back to you right away.
Speakers, Topics, Agenda
10 am ET Ron Gerber, CEO Angelbeat
Angelbeat and Webinar Overview: Angelbeat CEO and webinar emcee Ron Gerber summarizes the agenda, briefly describes each presentation topic, and encourages attendees to ask live questions at the end of each session.
10:05 am ET Al Curtis, Fleet Director, Cobb County
Cobb County EV Charging Initiatives: Cobb County’s fleet currently consists of over 2700 diverse fleet of vehicles. Al has made significant sustainability improvements within the Fleet. Under his leadership the County has added 65 electric vehicles, 50 charging stations, implemented an employee charging program, added 140 electric hybrids, 4 electric motorcycles and the first in the Country electric prisoner transport van. These smart vehicles choices and many strategic partnerships has aided in sustainability efforts. Our electrification efforts have reduced cost and the negative impact of greenhouse gas emissions in our County. Learn how Cobb County is transforming this fleet, to rapidly expand its usage of electric vehicles, offering valuable lessons learned for other government agencies plus private sector organizations.
Cobb County Sustainability, Environmental and Recycling Initiatives: Learn more about Keep Cobb Beautiful (KCB), which benefits all organizations (and their employees) based in Georgia. KCB’s mission is to “Promote stewardship of our communities through litter prevention, beautification, recycling and environmental education”.
10:30 am ET Barbara Alfano, PCB & Sustainability Manager, EPA
Circular Economy, Recycling and Sustainability Strategies, Best Practices and Resources/Incentives/$ Grants: Learn about EPA programs covering the circular economy, recycling and sustainability, including strategies, best practices and resources/incentives/financial grants available through the Federal government. While this content will be relevant to organizations throughout the U.S., Barbara is part of the EPA Region 4 leadership team that specifically focuses on Georgia, plus Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee, along with 6 Tribes.
11:00 am ET Kristyn Oldendorf, Assistant Director, Anthesis Group
Zero Waste-to-Landfill Strategies, Recycling Best Practices, Case Study Examples in Food & Beverage: Learn how a regional approach to food waste reduction can result in upcycling, a value-added approach that prevents waste through collaboration.
11:20 am ET Tim Echols, Vice-Chairman, Public Service Commission (PSC), State of Georgia
State of Georgia Initiatives to Drive EV Adoption, Clean Energy and Sustainability: Learn how the PSC is driving sustainability initiatives throughout State Government operations, plus partnering with utilities and private sector employers on their own sustainability programs, plus helping them access resources/funding from the Federal Government, through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).